Wednesday, November 2, 2016


So I don't have much time to write. Our bishop was relieved yesterday and now Bishop Albano is the new bishop. It's crazy!!!! He's awesome though. Bishop Sandes was the bishop for 5 years and gave an incredible talk. All of my leaders in the mission are so amazing. He talked about the importance of the sacrament again; about how it isn't just eating bread and drinking water. We have to come with a broken heart and a contrite spirit. If we don't do our home teaching visit and it's the first Sunday of the month we had better be begging God to forgive us for the sin we have committed and not do it again. He talked about a bunch of things and it was awesome. 
Also, we had a ward activity. Btw, it's about 25 degrees here, and with humidity, so people have been dying in the street from the cold. Nobody wants to go to church, nor activities or to work.  But, the activity was awesome. Hna Ayala had her baby girl (Sofia) yesterday. Hno Ayala (Pte Elders Quorum) had movie clips from Finding Nemo to talk about Home Teaching and it was awesome. 
Everyone wants to give me food because I'm leaving ,so it's hard to not get fatter. Things are going really well though! I love the pictures and I would have loved to have been there with you guys! This'll be the last time I write you on Monday because next week is changes. I can't believe time has gone by so fast.  Well, yeah I can, but still… It's crazy. I've been filling out some papers about my experiences and I've been going back and reading in my journal and it seems like my mission lasted a couple of months. I'm so grateful for every moment though. I'm excited to see you all! Thanks for everything. We'll be talking on Tuesday! 

Love, Elder McRae

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